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Add A Stylish 3D Facebook Like Button On Blogger Blog

Those Blogger who tries to make his Blog page more attractive with any beautiful Gadget or widget, this post are created specially for them. This Facebook Like gadget will be shown as a most extra ordinary appearance on a Blog. Actually it  is created as 3D format for luxurious Blogger Blog It's hope that this cool and stylish Facebook Gadget may be causes for pleasure of many visitors of your Blog. You can add this Gadget in any where to Blog as you like best.

If you want to add this Facebook like Gadget  please click the Demo button below and follow a few simple instructions.

1. Go to Blogger dashboard >> Layout

2. Click on Add a Gadget link above right side of layout (like below screenshot of new version)

3. Scroll down the Add a Gadget window and click on HTML/JavaScript (Like below Screenshot of new version)

4. Keep blank the Title box.

5. Copy and paste the below HTML code into the Content box.

<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
<a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiAhNOgtfuewuDohhqNas7xrETQepvvs4M-iWr26y9Pzj1A_FGvFno0X05EBvb8VjjPVNtVFFG2VkFBWuxc9tcAjRqD592HWtQRrq3TLjqXsAwLNDHWPVdjTiZaY252vUU9nBm_hYJ8sN23/s1600/like+us+on+facebook-2.png" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiAhNOgtfuewuDohhqNas7xrETQepvvs4M-iWr26y9Pzj1A_FGvFno0X05EBvb8VjjPVNtVFFG2VkFBWuxc9tcAjRqD592HWtQRrq3TLjqXsAwLNDHWPVdjTiZaY252vUU9nBm_hYJ8sN23/s1600/like+us+on+facebook-2.png" height="60" width="300" /></a></div>

6. Click Save.

7. Now you drag and drop the gadget from top of the right side of Layout just above your targeted gadget (Title Related Gadget).

8. See View Blog .

Note: You can customize of this size editing the highlighted HTML texts.

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