অনুসন্ধান করুন

How to Restore Your Blogger Blog Template?

If anything goes wrong while you are editing your template and you’ve back it up already, all you have to do is to restore your blog layout from the backup. Also, there are times when the need to change your blog template to a better one arises, once you have the downloaded copy of the new template, you can easily upload it for application to your blog in short time.

To restore your template or change you just have to follow the instructions given below;

It almost same and simple what you did for Backup.

At first you must need log into your Blogger Blog with your Google account and then:

(1) Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Template.

(2) Click Click Backup/Restore button.

(3) Click Choose File button and seek your template which you have made Backup before.

(4) Click Upload

If all thing remain ok then after a few seconds you will see a notification message at the middle top of your layout for a second like this-

"uploaded successfully" 

If you haven't seen any error notification so you have done.

Lot of thanks to visit my site.

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