অনুসন্ধান করুন

How to Download Facebook video without any Software?

Facebook users always watch many beautiful videos in their wall. But many users do not know how to download these videos. Today I will show you how to download Facebook video without any software. In fact it is very simple. You can easily download any Facebook video by following the instructions below.

At first you must need log into your Facebook profile and after then select your video which you want to download.

(1) Click play button.

(2) Select only www from your Facebook video URL and press Delete button from your key board.

(3)  Write here only 'm' and press Enter.(https://m.facebook.com/......)

(4) Click play button.

(5) Bring your mouse on the video and right click.

(6) Click save video as...

(7)  Select location.

(8) Write a video name into the file name box.

(9)  Press Save button.

Now finished. You have done.

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