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'Boli Khela':Wrestling in Bangladesh

There is no country where something or other social and religious festivals are held in the world. In Bangladesh also many social festivals are held grappling the traditions of century. Nationally the Bangladeshi is a festive-minded nation. They celebrate many social functions with various festive and joyous mode for whole year.     

'Boli  Khela'-it is a name of a wrestling competition of Bangladesh. It is one of the oldest traditions and a most favorite sport of the country. It is also a great exhibition in Bangladesh. 

It is the century-old-traditional exhibition of the country. Indeed, the various kind of fairs are observed centering the popular wrestling competition. Usually this fairs are held in the first month of each Bengali new year through pomp and grandeur environment in various places of the country. 

'Boli' means; wrestler or powerful person, and 'Khela' ; means game. That means a "game of powerful persons". This "game of powerful persons" named 'Bloi Khela' has been a popular sport for decades in Bangladesh typically in the Chittagong region. 

These fairs are also known as Baishakhi Mela. 'Baishakhi' means; name of the first month of Bengali New Year and 'Mela' means; fair or exhibition. The name of first month of Bengali new year is 'Baishakh' . So, 'Baishakhi Mela' means; 'Baishakhi Fair' . These delightful events are always included in special ceremonies and holidays during the Bengal new year. 

'Boli Khela' can be performed throughout the year but the most biggest 'Jabbar-er Boli Khela' is usually took place on the 25th of April in the port city Chittagong at the Laldighi Maidan. It is a most traditional and very popular wrestling show in the history of Chittagong in Bangladesh. The event also included a three-day 'Baishakhi fair' . Many famous wrestlers come from all over the country and take part in the game in this sport each year. The much-awaited events is held in a colourfully decorated field and drew people of all ages, backgrounds and religions.

A local merchant Abdul Jabbar Sawdagor who introduced this game back in 1909 (Bengali year 1316) with an aim to motivate and organize the local youth as well as to increase skills and foster a daredevil mentality in combat in order to take part anti-British movement that held the territory. 

Without this, some more fairs are held in different area of Chittagong. Many of the dignitaries in the country who have participated in, supported or organized 'Boli Khela' have originated from that part of the country showing the love that the people have for this sport. In every fair (Mela), a beautiful piratical picture of ever-existent diversity life and livelihood of Bangladeshi nation is illuminated.

Each year, this 'Boli Khela' or 'Boishaki Mela' attracts new participates and fans because the sheer enjoyment of the sport is not only contagious for local enthusiasts but inspires visitors and travelers to Bangladesh an opportunity to get a glimpse of an exciting and unique event.Thousands of people gather to the festivals and buy various kinds of commodities and show pieces. The main attraction of these exhibition is multicoloured earthen wares! for that, people wait for whole year and scramble be mad about to buy these. In fact, these wares are no doubt very beautiful to look at also. There are no more such a one in the world.

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