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How to Change the Default Favicon In Blogger Blog?

A favicon is a small image of size 16X16 which located at the top of your browser. It is seen at the left side of any page tab above the address bar. For example take a look the above image of favicon tabs. Blogger supplies every blog with the standard orange colour favicon  that is traditionally cool and clear to look at very much. When the users Bookmark any page or link of any content into
their browser then the link url is saved with this logo into the Bookmark folder. Latter when the user want to visit that page or link then the user can find the url seeing this logo from the Bookmark folder very easily. Because almost of time the users can't remember all saved urls. 

So, this logo as favicon of any website is very useful to mark them. For this reason mostly many sites display their own logo as favicon by which can know the website easily seeing that. 

Having your own unique favicon is a great way to give your blogger template both a distinct and explicit brand. This small images will most definitely help your blog stand out from the rest of the Blogspot Blogs.

How to Change it ? 
There are two (2) way to change favicon. 
First go to Blogger Dashboard >> Layout and follow the below instructions step by step.

(1) Click Edit button of the Favicon widget

(2) Click Choos File . Here you have to upload a small 16X16 pixel image which you have kept in your computer creating before.

(3) Here you will see that your uploaded small image is shown as a favicon.

If the favicon is liked to you then Click Save button.

You may have done 

(4) Click View blog and refresh your page once. 
You will see the small image is shown as favicon at the top of your browser. 

In case the favicon is not shown and if traditionally Blogger orange colour 'B' favicon  is shown then you have to understand that there is something wrong anywhere. So. then and there you follow the second way. It is also easy. 

(1) Go to Blogger Dashboard>>Template.

(2) Now Backup your template. Remember always you must need to Backup your Template before making any changes. It is very important thing for Blogger. If you don't know how to create  Backup Template  so, before lets come to know why and how to create Backup Template .

(3) Click Edit HTML

(4) Find (Ctrl-f) the below HTML code
(6)  Copy and Paste the code just below it
<link href=' YOUR IMAGE URL' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/x-icon'/>

(6) Now carefully paste your favicon image url within 'YOUR IMAGE URL'.

(7) Click Save template.

Once your template is saved view your blog and make sure to refresh the page.

I think you have done. Lot of thanks to visit my site.  

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