অনুসন্ধান করুন

Tiny Computer

What can't do Science!! Today, human race is very successful and developed by the contribution of science. Recently this science has brought one more new discovery for us that is really wonderful very much.

Japanese scientists are developing a tiny personal computer that is worn on the ear and can be controlled with the blink of an eye or the click of a tongue.

Researchers say device, known at the moment as the "Earclip-type Wearable PC", which has a GPS, compass, barometer, speaker and microphone, can also be controlled by clicking your tongue. Its shape is based on traditional “ikebana” flower arrangements.

Researchers hope the tiny computer can help people keep an eye on elderly relatives, monitor your health or even act as a “third hand” for people with disabilities. We also hope that the discovery makes men easy to living developed life. 

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